Implementing an effective brand positioning into your marketing strategy can help increase product sales, meet expectations of buyers, ensure you have the necessary knowledge from your research to make informed decisions, and stand out from the crowd.

Here are some effective brand positioning strategies to attract your ideal customer:

1. Find out How your Customers Perceive You

You want to discover two simple things. What you are great at and where you need to pay attention.

This is of course from your customers perspective – not from yours!

And because it is from their perspective, I do advise that this research is done by a third party who knows how to really listen and let people talk. Using a third party is important so that your customers can feel safe in being honest about you.

If we’re doing this work for a client we always ensure that its confidential. The results of such a survey will be shared but the identity of those who shared their thoughts will remain confidential.

My experience is that customers often share things that firstly you would never have thought of or secondly you would never have thought was important.

2. Create your unique selling proposition (USP)

Your USP (also called a unique value proposition or UVP) is what separates you from your competitors. It explains in detail how to create products only you can deliver, solve customers’ concerns, and why customers should choose you.

You should write down your USP on a business paper or marketing plan. It helps reinforce the idea of your online strategies. What’s more, placing this on the front your website will let users understand your company.

Once you’ve identified the ideal market position for your brand the goal then is to develop a unique impression of your business in the mind of your competitors, distinct from other companies within your space. This exercise will enable you to outline who you are as a company and more importantly, who you are not. Subsequently your main task here will be to ascertain how best to cater to the customer base that will be best served by working with you.

3. What Market Trends will impact what you are doing?

What are the trends in this industry and in the marketplace? Where do you fit into this? What do you need to watch for, leverage or address? There are scores of websites that share market trends.

Look to your industry first and get the specifics on what is happening there. If you don’t know where to start just Google it e.g.  Food Industry Research, Construction Industry Statistics etc.

Also include such global trend sites such as TrendWatching and TrendHunter to get a global feel on what is happening in your area or niche.

Your brand’s optimal market position provides the over-arching focus for ongoing marketing and advertising efforts that turns prospects into customers and customers into advocates.

If you’d like to speak to us about how you can create your brand positioning strategy that speaks to your ideal customer and deliver your ideal customer journey, please get in touch with us.