Growing a business successfully really starts with having a growth mindset. What is a growth mindset? A growth mindset describes a way of viewing challenges and setbacks, which as business owners – we get all the time. People who have a growth mindset believe that even if they struggle with certain skills, their abilities aren’t set in stone. They believe that with work and persistent effort, their skills and hence their outcomes can improve over time. Here’s the importance on ‘Grow Your Business with a Growth Mindset’…
Recently, I had an interview with Endre Hoffman who shared golden nuggets about growing a business by using growth mindset effectively. Here are some important points that we talked about during the interview:
- When you think of successful business owners, they are people who have reached a certain level of success. And often they have hit a wall, hit a level of frustration, just like I did in my business, where there was that level of emptiness…
- There’s a tiny piece that we all have that others just don’t see. And then it becomes this mind thing that they can’t see themselves, because they are stuck in another part of their life.
- There’s this thing that afflicts people and it’s hard for them to see it themselves. I know that based on my journey and the experience that I’ve just shared with you, it’s so important that we choose well, or else we choose to not change and get out of the empty soul. If we choose to not change then the words swish around our heads – “Do I have to do this again?” “I’m not achieving my potential”, “this is really hard and frustrating”… and it’s all because they are choosing to stay there, it is a choice that you’re making because you’re not choosing the change.
- We all have that outer barrier or wall or difficult step that we know is there and we don’t go beyond it… Ask yourself – well, do you want the results? do you want the shift? Do you want to go into the new place? Do you want to feel better every day? Yeah, sure. But it’s going to take me a lot of time or it’s going to be really hard or, um, yeah, I’ve got this, this and this to do, then there’s all the excuses, you know, time and money, et cetera.
- It’s fine to not choose what you want, and instead choose to accept and stay where you are. And that’s not going to change unless you choose for it to change. And I would like to say that to everybody, anyone listening to this, you know, you deserve to have an amazing life. So you’ll get the amazing life when you choose it.
- And you’ll get it when you’re living on purpose.
Check out the full interview below!
I hope you enjoyed it! We look forward to seeing how you ‘Grow Your Business with a Growth Mindset’!
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