Almost all countries are taking a hit to their economies because of the pandemic. Even with the governments’ efforts of keeping their economies afloat, we might still be having the deepest worldwide recession in decades.

However, don’t let this shift your focus; your focus should still be on your customers.

While you’re going to have to adjust some things in your company, don’t forget that you have to make a customer journey innovation, too.

The customer journey experiencing some serious changes today. Learn below why it’s important and why you should pay attention to it right now.


What Is the Current Customer Journey?

At first glance, the customer journey seems pretty simple. You release a product, your customers see it, and they buy it.

If you look closer, however, you’ll see it’s much more complex than that. It’s even becoming increasingly more complex because of the increasing touchpoints.

A touchpoint is a point in the journey wherein the customer interacts with your brand. It refers to any interaction that might affect the way your customer feels about your brand. It doesn’t have to be a physical interaction; it can be like reading a blog about your product.

Mapping a customer journey takes into account all these touchpoints. It starts with the customer becoming aware of the brand, product, or service. Then they might go through a series of hoops before arriving at the endpoint, which is buying from you.

The pandemic creates limitations in the customer journey. It limits the touchpoints – specifically, the physical interactions. They may now be going through a whole different journey to get to the endpoint.

If you want to get to know your customers today, look at their journey map.


Mapping Your Customer’s Journey

When you build a customer journey map, you get to step into their shoes. You see all the interactions they go through before buying.

You’ll have to look at several data sets to get an accurate representation of your customer’s journey. If you have a website, you can check to see the pages they’re visiting, how long they’re staying, when they leave, etc.

You should also look at social media, whether or not you have an account. It’s where you’ll know what your customers see, feel, or think.

In summary, you have to look everywhere – online and in-store – to see their behavior.

This gives you two benefits. One is knowing where to make changes to make the experience easier. And, second is allowing you to focus on the customers.

In these times, it’s your relationship with your customers that matters.


Why Building a Relationship Matters

One mistake that many businesses make is focusing on the product too much. As a result, they may ignore the importance of the customer journey.

While the product is important, you should place as much importance on the experience. This includes seeing your ads, visiting your site, talking to customer service, and so on.

After all, it’s what leads them on their journey to buying the product. It’s what builds your relationship with your customers.

Why is the customer relationship important?

Because developing strong relationships is what makes your customers turn to loyal customers. It’s what drives word-of-mouth referrals, as well. All in all, a strong relationship leads to increased sales.

As you know, first-time buyers have a lengthy decision process. They assess, analyze, compare, and so on before buying a product or service.

Loyal customers, however, speed through this process because they already trust your brand. Even if you demand a higher price, your loyal customers will still likely choose you because of the familiarity, trust, and the overall experience.

How does the current situation change this?


Building a Relationship in This Crisis

A relationship with your customers is one you build through repeated interactions. It doesn’t happen overnight. Rather, you build it over time, having online and physical touchpoints to nourish it.

The pandemic alters those touchpoints, forcing businesses and customers alike to bring their business online. It’s changing the entire experience, so now you must again tailor the journey to the current landscape.

Today, your customers are afraid or at the least, stressed. The restrictions leave them longing for the past when they are free to make connections everywhere.

Their current connections are weakening. That may include the one they have with your business.

The crisis is exposing the strengths in your relationship with your customers. At the same, it also exposes the weaknesses.

You must also take into account that your customers want genuine human connections. Most of them haven’t seen their loved ones for a long time. They’re not only looking for connections, but they also crave comfort.

As such, building a relationship must involve a human element.

Even before the pandemic hit, this was what was missing in the customer journey in many businesses. As many of them turned to automated processes, the human touch took to the backseat.


Why You Need Customer Journey Innovation Now

With all these, you might now realize why you need customer journey innovation right now. The journeys are changing, and customers are looking for more.

You might not have direct control of all the touchpoints, but you can lead your customers through their journey.

You must create new experiences and reduce as many pain points as possible. With all the stress, panic, and restrictions, pain points are becoming aplenty. The pandemic is a major part of our lives now, so it has a huge part in decision-making and such.

Creating a customer journey map to get an idea of what your customers are thinking and feeling right now is a good start. Once you have the data you need, you can then tailor the customer experience.


Create a Customer Journey Map Today

Customer journey innovation is what businesses are doing right now. This is what’s allowing them to quickly adapt to the current situation. This is what’s allowing them to retain customers and even gain new ones in such a challenging time in our economy.

Start your first step with a customer journey map. We’ll be happy to help; contact us today for inquiries.