Copywrting for a small business owner…

You have your website and your social media. You know it’s important to keep updating your Blog and to also update your social media on a regular basis.

However, these days, most of us are suffering from information overload, which means simply throwing up any information to grab attention is no longer going to work.

Your audience is busy. They are bombarded daily with sales pitches from every direction, which means they are becoming more and more discerning.

They’re looking for quality; a source of information they can trust from an expert in the field they are interested in.

Enter, mouth-watering copywriting!

You need quality content written for a specific purpose, a specific outcome or action you want your reader to take after they have read your information.

That’s is what copywriting is; it’s writing for a specific purpose or outcome.

You see, Copywriting is a science as well as an art…

  • It’s your conversation with your audience
  • Your opportunity to gain trust and authority in your market
  • Your chance to take your prospects from interested to intrigued
  • It’s a step closer to getting the sale

And the best part about creating mouth-watering engaging copywriting is…

You don’t have to physically talk to every prospect to warm them up to your offering; you let your well-crafted copy:

  • Trigger all the right buttons to get their undivided attention
  • Show them that you can solve their problem or fulfill their desire
  • Demonstrate how life would be worse if they didn’t take your offering

It may seem manipulative, however, the reality is that you want to help them, you want them to improve an aspect of their life.

You want to show them that your genuinely care and that you are best positioned to help them solve their problem or fulfill their desire.

So this means that when copywriting your Blogs, your website content, your social media posts and any physical marketing materials, your copywriting ought to be focused on providing quality rather than quantity.



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And if you can do both, that’s even better!

But don’t go overboard and use those pesky grammar checkers to create perfect grammar in your copywriting. As Stephanie Flaxman discusses in her article The Slippery Truth about Grammar Checkers ( ) perfect grammar doesn’t necessarily mean great copywriting.

In fact, I know some copywriters that bombed out in Year 12 English!

That aside, who has the time to sit down every day and smash-out high quality copywriting that will achieve all the things you need it to when your audience interacts with it? If you don’t have the time or the expertise, it may be worth considering hiring a professional copywriter to do the work for you. The time you save and the money you make from highly engaging, professionally written copywriting will make you wonder why you hadn’t done it sooner. And if you want to take it even further, you can create “evergreen” copywriting to use with software that allows you to automate your conversations with your audience. And that has to be good for your business and stress levels, hasn’t it? Happy copywriting! _______________________________________________ Author

Rohan James is Creative Director at Success Wizards. He is a master at using words to create desired outcomes, but when it comes to surfing his favourite breaks, the word “master” is nowhere to be found!

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