How to get more clients for your legal practice can be a minefield. There are as many ideas as there are legal practices and then some.

Even so, if I told you your legal practice could bill more with less effort, would that be something worth investigating?

There is a nifty tool that removes the chance of inconsistency due to human error, allows you to personalise all communications and generates data so you can refine and improve your efforts over time.

This makes this solution exceptionally well suited to small to medium size practices that are short on time, cash and manpower.

If you aren’t acquainted with marketing automation and how it works, we’ve broken down the process into simple steps that will show you how to get more clients for your legal practice.

How To Get More Clients For Your Legal Practice

Step #1 – Create a client “buying” behaviour timeline

Before you start automating, you need to identify the basic steps that your clients move through before engaging your services. Awareness is the starting point, where clients seek information surrounding their problem without awareness of your brand.

This is followed by a search for the best solution to the problem and finally, considering shortlisted options before making a final “purchase/engagement” decision. Each stage will have a potential customer undertake certain actions online, and with the right software, you can trigger certain reactions when these actions occur, that will help move them towards your service.

Step #2 – Educate your clients

You want clients to land on your website, landing page or provide you with their email address. This will kickstart the automation process. Remember at this early stage they’re still putting out their feelers, so they might be browsing the Internet or social media looking for broad information.

Creating a blog article, free downloadable checklist/eBook or social media how-to video or webinar is a great way to do this. Make sure that whatever you’re offering will add value and naturally mentions your product or service without an intensive sales pitch as a solution.

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JStep #3 – Pick a provider and start communicating

Now that you have a list of email addresses that have been willingly provided, you can input them into a good marketing automation platform. This sounds more complex than it actually is, and there are many free and affordable service providers that can help you do this.

Great options for small to medium businesses include ActiveCampaign, Hubspot, Infusionsoft, Marketo or Ontraport. It’s important to explore what each has to offer. Be sure to compare the minimum cost for the product, per user and per database contact amount. You’ll also need to ensure they offer you data collection and analytics services (this is paramount if you really want to understand how to get more clients for your legal practice).

Now you’re ready to kick off personalised communications. This could be as simple as a follow-up email recommending services based on the content someone’s engaged with on your website or information they have requested from you.

Step #4 – Score your leads

Once you start getting leads and you are following up, you’ll find that some end in sales while others go nowhere. You don’t want to spend money on weak leads and disinterested customers, so you’ll need to implement a lead scoring system based on analytics results. This will also ensure that everyone in your team focuses on the same metrics and contributes towards this process of how to get more clients for your legal practice.

Step #5 – Always follow up

With automation software, there’s no excuse for not following up with clients. You can also use automated emails to target unresponsive leads, freeing up your time to convert those leads into clients. Following up (with a clear call to action and way to opt out) is incredibly effective at getting distracted prospects engaged again.

With just a little time to setup, you could get a system up and running, that costs very little and delivers sales to your doorstep.

In just five easy steps, you could grow your legal practice and its profits significantly.

Now you understand how to get more clients for your legal practice, it’s time to get stuck into it!


Rohan James is a Director at Journey Point. He is a Marketing Wizard, but when it comes to surfing his favourite breaks, the word “wizard” is nowhere to be found!