Marketing Automation is Not Difficult!

Is Marketing Automation difficult? I’d love a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that question. The answer to that question is, there’s a marketing game changer out there, and it’s called Marketing Automation. And don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds.

So, if the question “is Marketing Automation difficult?” is on your mind, here’s what you need to know…

Marketing Automation is not difficult, it’s simply a way to keep your existing customers, and your potential leads, engaged with your business for as long as possible, while minimising the drain on your precious resources.

If you own or manage a business and you’re keen to streamline your marketing strategy, Marketing Automation is your simple cost-effective solution. Here’s why…


The Main Types of Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation takes your time-consuming and repetitive marketing tasks and mechanises them. For example, you can automate:

SMS messaging
Email campaigns
Widget content
Campaign creation
Social media posting
Data analysis

And so much more.

However, if you’re still asking, “is Marketing Automation difficult?” here’s how you can simplify your marketing processes, and make it work for you…


How Businesses Use Marketing Automation

Almost 50% of businesses are already using some form of Marketing Automation. Here are some examples of how this is done.

  • Sending “happmarketing automationy birthday” emails to subscribers and including special day discounts or incentives.
  • Creating two versions of the same email and using A/B testing to analyse which email has the highest conversion rate.
  • Showing customers items they might like from your store based on their previous browsing history.
  • Daily or weekly social media posts for marketing campaigns.

As you can see, Marketing Automation isn’t all about email subscription lists. In fact, it can be applied across your entire marketing process – and it is not difficult.


The Benefits of Marketing Automation for Your Business

So, now you’re clearer on what Marketing Automation is, why should you give this form of streamlined marketing a go?

Put simply, this process helps you build personalised connections with EVERY customer.

You can check in with them if they abandon their basket or send out customer satisfaction surveys after a purchase. The more engagement a consumer feels with your business, the more likely they are to become loyal long-term customers.

And it’s not limited to online stores. All service-based businesses can benefit tremendously by automating many marketing activities.

For  Is marketing automation difficultexample, if you are a coach or consultant, you can automate an education series for prospects and/or clients. Delivering then information in the right proportion at the right time just as these people want it delivered.

One of the biggest benefits of Marketing Automation is it helps make your lead nurture a lot easier because it educates and nurtures prospective leads and convert them into customers while you focus on what you do best.

In addition, personalised emails result in six times more revenue than impersonal, cold emails, meaning this simple automation can drastically increase your ROI.

If that’s not enough to make you want to automate, I don’t know what is!

Marketing Automation doesn’t just increase your revenue. It saves you money. This means once you get past the question of “is Marketing Automation difficult?” you win twice!

You convert more leads into paying customers, plus you make savings on staff and resources because you don’t need people working on mundane marketing tasks anymore.


What can You Automate?

The reality is, the limit to which you can automate tasks is only restricted by your imagination. And once you begin, you’ll understand that Marketing Automation is not difficult at all. In fact, a couple of months in, you’ll wonder why the question, “is Marketing Automation difficult?” was ever in your mind.

On first investigation, Marketing Automation might sound a little daunting, but it’s easier to integrate into your business than you might think. What’s more, automated marketing saves you time, money, and resources in the long run, which ultimately generates the greatest possible ROI for your business.

Marketing Automation is not difficult, and…

Once you automate, you’ll never go back!

If you want to know more information, contact us now and get a free consultation.