Most small business owners believe that the only way for them to achieve business growth is to get more customers. Yes, this is absolutely one way, however, it’s very expensive to all your resources and effort into generating new clients for business growth.

Many small business owners take this approach and tend to neglect another area that can greatly contribute to business growth. And this is your existing clients. Retaining existing clients has a big impact on business growth, so let’s take a look at how small business owners can grow their business – fast with this strategy!

You see, the fastest way to increase sales for small business owners is to target a group that already trusts you, your products and services, or have allowed you to market to them.

Who are these people? They are your existing database!!!


Here are some tips small business owners can follow to help re-engage your existing customers and leads:



special-offers-success-wizards Excite your existing customers! Give your existing customers and leads a new reason to buy your products or services.

It’s easier and more cost-effective to get persuade people who are already buying from you to buy more rather than to find new customers and tell them to buy from you.

An email campaign offering them a discount for being on your mailing list is a great motivation for past customers to do business with you again.



loyalty-programme-business-growth-successCustomer loyalty programs drive sales and build brand loyalty. A loyalty program will go a long way to retaining customers and keep them buying from you consistently – if you’ve created an effective program, that is. 

Loyalty programs does not only provide more sales to achieve business growth but more importantly, it strengthens your customer’s brand loyalty to your products or services.

Did you know that, ‘Nearly 80% of consumers said it took at least three purchases for them to consider themselves loyal and 37% said they weren’t loyal until they had made at least five purchases (Yotpo). Making your existing customers buy several times from you whilst providing excellent customer service will definitely give you business growth.


There is one caveat to keep in mind when you are re-targeting your existing databases….


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They must be satisfied customers!!

Are you are looking for a way for small business owners to leave customers satisfied with your goods and services?

Keep an eye out for our upcoming blogs that will talk about how to do this effectively.


Wishing you every success,

The Journey Point Team

PS. Do you want to know how to double your profitability? One way is through marketing automation. Companies that automate lead management see a 10% or more bump in revenue in 6-9 months in time (Strategic IC, 2017). Learn how marketing automation can double your profitability by downloading ‘The 7 Rules of Successful Marketing Automation’ or contact us for a complimentary consultation!

how marketing automation works infographic 2018


Click Here To Grab Your Free Copy Of This Guide Now.

Rohan James is Creative Director at Journey Point. He is a master at using words to create desired outcomes, but when it comes to surfing his favourite breaks, the word “master” is nowhere to be found!