People are busy. They receive thousands of emails per day and just don’t have time to go through all of them, let alone read the content inside each one carefully. The amount that they can dedicate their attention to is about 8 seconds. This is why any type of written communication should follow a clear structure – it’s crucial for your message to be understood by its receiver in under 10 seconds. One effective way to achieve this is with marketing automation in the post-pandemic era.

What is marketing automation? It means exchanging the traditional approach towards emailing your customers (you send them an email once or twice a month) for more efficient strategies that will allow you to communicate with your prospects much more often – upselling, cross-selling, sending valuable information, which you know will be useful for them, etc.

This is a lengthy process, but it’s worth it if you want to improve your results. It can be broken down into 3 steps: lead generation, lead nurturing and lead engagement – which is marketing automation in a nutshell. The days of one-way communication are over – with marketing automation you send more personalized emails with the potential for higher conversions because the content has been customized to fit each individual customer. Nowadays companies have access to so much data on their clients that they can send automated messages within minutes after the first contact from the client was made – these often include product recommendations or tips on how to solve any issue that may arise with existing products or services (e.g., “You’re using X feature of our product incorrectly – here’s how it should be used instead”).

All this automated toolset is worth nothing without qualified leads. This is where lead generation comes into play – companies use their websites, social media accounts and business networks to generate leads. When done right, lead generation can provide a significant stream of new prospects. From there on it’s up to the company to turn those visitors into customers, which they achieve by following up with sales and marketing teams equipped with accurate contact details so that each incoming lead gets vetted properly in order to improve the conversion rate even further. The last stage of marketing automation involves keeping in touch with your existing clients in a bid to offer them better experiences and retain customer loyalty in the long-run.

That’s all there is to marketing automation, really – generate leads, nurture them and engage them in conversation until they’ve become your customers. And this simple strategy can be implemented within minutes, which means that every company whatsoever should invest their resources into it as soon as possible if they want to leave the post-pandemic era unscathed.

Feel free to contact us if you need help with your business journey.